Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, January 6, 2025
The Angels of Purification Are Already on Earth, That Is Why Many Innocents Will Leave This Earth
Message from Most Holy Virgin Mary and the Archangels St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy on January 5, 2025, First Sunday of the Month

My children, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am She who gave birth to the Word, I am the Mother of Jesus and your mother, I have descended with great power together with My Son Jesus and God the Father Almighty, the Holy Trinity is in your midst.
The Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael will manifest today with great power is giving a message to the world in need.
Archangel Michael will teach mankind the wiles of evil to bring souls to hell, Archangel Gabriel will announce the events that will soon take place for the conversion of those living in deep sin, Archangel Raphael will show how to follow the way the truth and life.
This place, Oliveto Citra will become a reference point, from here the Holy Trinity will guide God's people.
I love you My children, pray, pray, pray that your heart will open more and more to understand the will of God the Father Almighty, accept the sufferings, give them to My Son Jesus, He will turn them into joy, into peace, He is your salvation. Now I must leave you, give you a kiss, bless you all My children, in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Shalom! Peace My children.
Fear not, we are the Archangels of God Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, the hand of the Most High has sent us to speak to mankind, in your midst are the Angels of Heaven, in your midst is the Holy Trinity, honor Her.
Brothers, sisters, the world is corrupted by sin, carnal human passions have made it possible for the presence of the evil one to be stronger is rooted, Satan manages the power-hungry men who operate in the shadows, their names are written in the book of death, even though in this life they enjoy the pleasures of the flesh, on their heads burn coals of fire, the justice of the Most High works in the ways most unknown to the mind of man.
Brothers, sisters, satan has succeeded in entering the everyday life of man through distractions, and man no longer feels love, charity, mercy and compassion, these feelings do not allow man to do evil, but now satan manages the weaker minds, prayer and sacrifice are the cure for your mind and soul, so that they remain Consecrated to God the Most High, it is not easy because the insistence of the Angels of Evil is continuous, but if you want we Angels will be just as persistent in protecting you, it depends on your will.
Many men and women in the world rely on Angels even though they have not known the Christian faith, We Angels protect men of good will, the Most High loves all His children, because He and the Creator He is, loves all His Creatures.
Clasp The crucifix in your hands when you pray, so evil fears and cries out in pain, invoke the name of your Messiah in your mind, because in your thoughts Satan tempts to insinuate himself, and you who know the truth have the task of repelling all temptations.
Brothers, sisters, I am the Archangel Gabriel, the Heavenly Father has sent us to speak to the world.
Fear not, the world is in complete confusion, those who were supposed to guide souls have allowed themselves to be taken over by evil that has led them away into darkness. Brothers and sisters, great chastisements are coming, souls are in need of purification, some nations that run the world including America will be hit very hard by natural disasters, the sea will crash against many cities, the earth will be divided, many will beg for mercy who will do so from the heart and by faith will be saved, many have already chosen to follow evil by doing evil works, doing deeds against God's will with their will.
Brothers and sisters, do not fear because God desires the salvation of all souls is will do everything so that they can be saved, many are praying for God to intervene in the world, the Christian faith is fading away by evil that would like to eliminate it completely, but God is reserving all those who do His will so that it can remain alive in the world. Prayerfully you drive evil crazy, he when you pray always tries to distract you because he does not want you to pray with your heart.
Brothers and sisters, Our presence in the world is constant, We Archangels protect all those who rely on the Holy Trinity.
Brothers, sisters, I am the Archangel Raphael, invoke Us Archangels so that evil may never approach.
Brothers, sisters, make haste, the world is destined to change by the hand of the Father who is in Heaven and who is over all of you, join with Him, even in this world you can succeed, communicate with Him through the heart and He will give all the answers you desire.
In the heart of each of you will grow more and more the need to have God on your side, your will decide to accept Him on your side, evil donates dark thoughts, thoughts that should not exist within you, causing the world and those who are weaker, disasters for their souls corrupting them forever. Brothers, sisters, have God on your side at all times so that this cannot touch you.
Brothers, sisters, today you have reached a great goal, for a long time this day has been written, Our Presence is powerful on the head of those who do the will of the Most High, for this is our task to guide people to God the Most High, we are His messengers.
The Angels of Purification are already on earth, that is why many innocents will leave this earth, in Heaven pure souls are needed, many of your loved ones who have done work worthy of Holiness reside among the Angels of God. Brothers, sisters, do not fear for your future it was all already written since the time of Creation, the Most High designed man's salvation through purification, pray with perseverance and We will give you Our protection.
Brothers, sisters, Our mission has come to an end, the Most High is calling us, I give you the blessing of the Holy Trinity, the Father sends through Us His blessing, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.